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"Aquaculture, not the Internet, represents the most promising investment opportunity of the 21st Century."

- Peter Drucker, Management Expert & Economist


Warning against fake aquaculture conference in Copenhagen June 4-6 2018

We have recieved an invitation to take part in "International  Conference on Aquaculture# to take place in Copenhagen June 4-6.
AquaCircle strongly believe this is an attempt to deceit interested to pay up front - as we believed that this conference will never take place.
Why do we not trust the invitation?
The venue (place) for the conference is not announced.
Institutions claimed to be located in Copenhagen, like EAS and FEAP, reflects very little knowledge of aquaculture and Copenhagen.
Tourist attractions claimed to be in Copenhagen are located elsewhere.
It is a very short notice for announcing an international conference.
The company behind (Cenetri) the announced aquaculture conference also claims to have arranged Agriculture 2016, Biotech 2016, Oncology 2017, Pharmacology 2017, Obesity 2017, Cardiology 2017, AGRIPACE 2017, BIOHE 2017, Immunology 2017 & Food Science 2017 in various countries like Australia, Dubai, India, Italy etc.

You cannot receive a written invitation before payment!

Judge yourselves by following this link:

Remember: You have been warned!

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