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"Aquaculture, not the Internet, represents the most promising investment opportunity of the 21st Century."

- Peter Drucker, Management Expert & Economist


Celebrating the good result of the Vidatec Project in Can Tho

Friday May 20th the result of the Vidatec Can Tho Center and Vidatec Tender projects were presented and celebrated at Can Tho University with honored guest, as the Danish Ambassador to Vietnam, The Viceminester of Agriculture and Rural Development (also including aquaculture) the present and former  chaiman of VASEP, former ministers an a lot of other interested participants from industry and academia.

The ceremony started at 07:30 and ended at 17:00. During the day the work from the two projects was presented, there was a 'showof' of the RAS-research facility, the Raceway-system and a visit to see the 'real-life' trials at Phu Thuan farm.

Among the results were:
  • Reduction of feed conversion rate by almost 10%
  • Medicines and chemical use reduced with app. 20 %
  • Production of up to 100 tons more fish per hektare
  • Low mortality rate
  • Improved quality of the final product (filets)

 Take a closer look at the result here

See more pictures from the event her

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